Sunday, 29 June 2014

Loghain: Misunderstood Hero

It's easy to see Loghain as the villain. He looks like a villain, talks like a villain; on the face of it he does a lot of awful things.

But there are a few pointers that he might have been right all along.

The People Love Him

"You have torn this nation apart to oppose my lord, and never once tried to understand why he is a hero to Ferelden."

The people of Fereldan love Loghain. If you criticise Cailan to his guard, the guy mutters something about him being the King. If you criticise Loghain to his guard, he vociferously puts you in your place, citing Loghain's achievements; he genuinely regards the Hero of River Dane as, well, a hero. Their appearance is also a deliberate contrast; Cailian's guard is clean shaven and wearing shiny armour, with a helmet. Loghain's guard is a shaven headed, stubbled soldier in old leathers; i.e. an actual soldier.

Ser Cauthrien would clearly die for him in a heartbeat and the common people are well behind him; the only people who don't rally behind his banner are some of the nobility, who resent a commoner having power; relatives of Cailian who feel wronged, and people who stand to gain personally from his being deposed (Arl Eamon). All that says something.

Battle Plan

Loghain, a successful general, who's actually fought in like, wars and stuff, formulates a sensible battle plan and suggests they wait for reinforcements. Cailan, after describing his strategies as 'boring', responds by snarkily suggesting they invite the Orlesians - whom Loghain and his own father, Maric, had driven out of Ferelden a generation ago - to help them fight.

It's particularly nasty as Loghain's mother was raped and murdered by the Orlesians.

Even Loghain's (extremely sensible) suggestion that the childless King of Ferelden not charge into the riskiest part of the battle goes ignored.

Family Values

Also turns out later that Cailian was a tomcat who whored around and was dallying with - guess who?

Empress of the evil empire who were driven out of Ferelden less than half a century ago. Turns out he and Arl Eamon were plotting for Cailian to divorce his wife - Loghain's daughter - in favour of the Empress of Orlais.

The supposed justification for this is that Anora is almost thirty and has not yet produced a child. Given how much Cailian was supposed to have slept around, it's entirely possible that he was infertile due to an STD - or that Anora simply wasn't pregnant yet. This is doubly strange as Empress Celene was also taking stick for being childless.

It's yet more evidence that Cailian was a fucking idiot.  How long does he think Celene will keep him alive before a tragic accident? How long before another coup, given the hatred of Orlais in Fereldan?

Hatred of the Orlesians

The Orlesians are described as being bad. Really really bad; and by several characters in game. The were also imperial oppressors who have been out of the country for one generation.

You can speak to a woman in the market who says she was raped by a noble and had to flee Orlais when her brother took revenge. Leliana was tortured and assaulted on another person's say so.

In terms of Loghain himself; the Orlesians invaded his lands, murdered his father, raped his mother and killed his dog. Is it any wonder he's a little dismissive when Cailian suggests 'waiting for the Orlesians'? I'm surprised he didn't beat the little pisser to a pulp.

The Retreat

Loghain actually has some extremely sensible reasons for leaving Cailian  - and some extremely understandable ones, (the way Cailian treated his daughter for one).  The beacon is lit late - due to the darkspawn, but in his mind the incompetence of the Grey Wardens - messing up the whole battle plan.

Every survivor of the battle you meet later (save Wynne) is convinced that this move saved the lives of his entire army and is the only reason the nation has any chance at all.

If you felt your choice was between attempting to save a King who believed in magic soldiers, was openly cheating on your daughter and thought things like strategies and reinforcements were boring - or saving an entire army, which way would you jump?